Renowned singer and songwriter, Adekunle Gold, has been announced as the latest addition to the production team of White House Productions’ upcoming documentary, “The Odyssey”.
The film delves into the fascinating history and evolution of various Yoruba music subcultures.
Led by Executive Producer Bobo Omotayo, the team includes producers Tosin Ashafa and Papa Omotayo, as well as acclaimed director Abba Makama.
“We are excited to announce Adekunle Gold as the co-producer of our documentary, The Odyssey.
“The Odyssey, now in production, celebrates 100 years of Yoruba music, its evolution across genres, and its influence on modern-day Afrobeats.
“@adekunlegold will deliver this compelling story alongside @bobo.omotayo @abbatmakama , @tosinashafa, and @papaomotayo”.
With Adekunle Gold’s expertise and passion for Yoruba music, “The Odyssey” promises to be an engaging and informative journey through Nigeria’s vibrant musical heritage and its impact on Afrobeats.