Home News Democracy fails if it nurtures insecurity, unemployment – Obasanjo

Democracy fails if it nurtures insecurity, unemployment – Obasanjo

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Former President Olusegun Obasanjo, on Friday, said a democratic system bedevelled by insecurity, unemployment and other socio-economic challenges must be ditched.

He said any democratic system that failed on the tenets of democracy was not need in any society or country.

Obasanjo, who was hosted by the Oyo State Governor, Engr. Seyi Makinde, at the inauguration of internal roads in Iseyin, said any democracy that nurtures poverty has failed.

Obasanjo said: “Democracy that nurtures a lack of peace and security must be thrown overboard. Democracy dividends must involve peace, security, stability, prosperity, wealth creation, employment and the wholesomeness of the society.

“Democracy that nurtures poverty is abortion. Democracy that nurtures unemployment is a failure”.

The former president said that democracy was nothing without work.

“That’s when democracy would continue to survive and people will feel that yes, democracy is a worthwhile system of government that must be embraced”, he further said.

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