Home News Obaseki to turn Edo into Nigeria’s creative hub

Obaseki to turn Edo into Nigeria’s creative hub

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The Edo State government has said it is focused on making the state an entertainment and creative hub for the country.

The governor of the state, Godwin Obaseki, said on Friday that his administration had taken deliberate steps to stimulate the growth of the film industry in the state by focusing on culture, and creativity, and creating policies for enabling the environment, and institutions.

He said this while speaking on the topic, “Aggregation of Film and Culture: Edo State as a Case Study” during a panel session at the Edo State International Film Festival, held at the Sir Victor Uwaifo Creative hub in Benin City, the Edo State capital.

Obaseki explained that the responsibility of the government was to help commence the process of transactions in the film business, adding that in the next five to seven years, the state would become the hub for creativity in the country.

According to the governor, the state government has been making efforts to transform the state’s creative and entertainment sector in the past seven years.

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