Home Politics Election Tribunal declares Jigawa Reps election inconclusive

Tribunal declares Jigawa Reps election inconclusive

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The National Assembly Election Petition Tribunal, sitting in Jigawa State, has declared the outcome of the House of Representatives election of the Birnin Kudu/Buji Federal constituency as inconclusive.

The chairperson of the tribunal, Justice A. Okeke ordered a re-run election in eight polling units in Birnin Kudu and Buji Local Government Areas within 90 days.

The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) had declared Adamu Yakubu of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), who scored 39,998 votes, as winner of the poll.

Yakubu defeated the candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Magaji Da’u, who scored 36,735. But Da’u challenged the outcome of the election at the tribunal.

The tribunal said the election ought to have been declared inconclusive at the first instance because the margin of canceled votes outnumbered the winning votes.

The chairperson of the tribunal, Justice A. Okeke ruled that INEC did not comply with the provisions of the Electoral Act 2022, in declaring the result.

“INEC did not follow regulations and guidelines, and the manual for election officials for the 2023 election in conducting the election, and the noncompliance substantially affected the outcome of the election”, Justice Okeke said.

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