Home Opinion Transformative power of marrying creativity with technology in PR (II)

Transformative power of marrying creativity with technology in PR (II)

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Igniting creativity through data-driven insights: The PR revolution
In an era characterised by information overload and the relentless pace of digital communication, the field of Public Relations stands at the crossroads of creativity and technology. In this evolving landscape, harnessing the power of data-driven insights has become paramount for PR professionals seeking to ignite truly creative and impactful campaigns.

Long gone are the days when PR strategies relied solely on intuition, guesswork, and the occasional roll of the dice. The advent of technology has opened up a treasure trove of data and analytics, fundamentally transforming how PR campaigns are conceived, executed, and evaluated.

Data-driven PR advantage
Data-driven PR is not merely a buzzword; it’s a paradigm shift that redefines the very essence of effective communication. With an abundance of data at their fingertips, PR practitioners can now make informed decisions, target their efforts with precision, and gauge the impact of their strategies with unprecedented accuracy.

A notable study conducted by the Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management sought to quantify the impact of data-driven PR strategies on campaign effectiveness. The results of this research were nothing short of compelling: campaigns guided by data insights achieved a staggering 38 per cent higher engagement rate compared to those that relied on intuition alone. These empirical findings underscore a simple yet profound truth – data-driven PR is not a mere enhancement; it is a fundamental game-changer in the field.

Real-life case study: Turning data into creative gold
Global mission, local connection: The Lifebuoy’s Help a Child Reach 5 campaign in Kenya

The Challenge
Lifebuoy aims to change the hygiene behavior of 1 billion consumers globally, thereby helping to reduce rising causes of child mortality. How do you get Kenyans to keep into this global campaign?

The Objectives

  • To create awareness and educate people on personal hygiene especially handwashing as a means of preventing diarrhoeal deaths.
  • To help raise funds for this cause

Research shows that 99 per cent of internet users in Kenya are mobile internet users. Therefore, the strategy is to take this global initiative to the Kenyan population with a Help a Child Reach 5 mobile ad campaign.

1) A full-screen mobile banner showcasing a dirty hand was produced. Users wipe dirt off the child’s hand by swiping on it. Five fingers indicate the child’s age. Palm represents the daily need for handwashing.
2) A powerful campaign video follows a clean palm. User urged to donate and also share the video on his/her social profile. For every video viewed, Lifebuoy donated 1 KES towards the cause.

The remarkable results: Impact amplified
The results achieved by the Lifebuoy campaign were nothing short of astounding:
i. In a mere 18 days, the campaign reached a staggering 3.2 million people.

ii. Users actively engaged by virtually ‘cleaning’ the child’s hand approximately 237,000 times.

iii. An impressive sum of 800,000 Kenyan Shillings was collected, demonstrating the power of collective contributions.

iv. The video was shared an astonishing 1.6 million times, underscoring the campaign’s viral success.

v. On social media, the campaign generated a buzz with 650,807 mentions.

vi. Perhaps most impressively, the campaign achieved a remarkable 12% engagement rate, reflecting its resonance with the audience.

Data-driven insights were instrumental to the remarkable success of the Lifebuoy Help a Child Reach 5 campaign in Kenya, as highlighted in the article. Here’s how:

Audience targeting: Data analysis helped the campaign pinpoint its audience. Research showed that 99 per cent of internet users in Kenya were mobile internet users. This crucial data allowed Lifebuoy to tailor its campaign specifically for this audience, ensuring maximum reach and impact.

Interactive mobile banner: The campaign’s full-screen mobile banner was designed based on data insights. It featured a dirty hand that users could interact with by swiping to clean. The concept was not only creative but also informed by data, understanding that mobile users in Kenya would engage with such interactive content.

Compelling video: The campaign video that followed the interactive banner was designed to evoke emotions and encourage sharing. Data-driven insights into the power of emotional content and social sharing influenced the creation of this video.

Call to action: Data insights informed the campaign’s call to action. The audience was not left to assume what to do next. Instead, they were explicitly encouraged to view and share the video, knowing that each view resulted in a donation to the cause. Data-backed understanding of the psychology of motivation played a pivotal role here.

In summary, data-driven insights shaped every aspect of the campaign, from audience targeting to content creation and the call to action. This approach ensured that the campaign resonated with the Kenyan audience, resulting in outstanding engagement, widespread sharing, and the successful achievement of its objectives.


The fusion of creativity with technology is ushering in a PR revolution, and the evidence is clear through empirical studies like the one conducted by the Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management. This study underscores the undeniable benefits of data-driven PR strategies, providing us with solid proof.

The remarkable success story of Lifebuoy’s Help a Child Reach 5 campaign in Kenya is a testament to the potential of these data-driven approaches. It vividly illustrates how such strategies not only capture attention but also drive substantial engagement, creating a real impact.

To put it succinctly, data-driven PR is not merely a trend; it is a dynamic force shaping the future of public relations. In the words of renowned management consultant, Peter Drucker, “What gets measured gets improved”. The logic behind Drucker’s statement is that, a data-driven world is not just accumulating data for its own sake, but comprehending the true value the data holds. It is all about discerning what precisely needs to be measured, and then, critically, interpreting these metrics to derive meaningful insights.

Consequently, as PR professionals continue to tap into technology’s potential for data-driven insights, they are primed to craft campaigns that not only resonate but also foster authentic interactions. This transformative approach ensures that the realm of PR remains dynamic and influential, perpetually evolving to meet the ever-shifting demands of both audiences and clients.

Ayodele is a specialist in Message Engineering. He helps brands, organisations and leaders communicate in a way that yields the desired result. He can be reached via ishopr2015@gmail.com

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