Home Opinion America’s defining moment:
The stakes of 5 November election

America’s defining moment:
The stakes of 5 November election

15 min read

As the United States approaches the pivotal November 5 election, the landscape is shaped by a variety of pressing issues: the deep division within the country, the precarious state of the economy, the ongoing challenge of illegal immigration, and the contrasting leadership styles of Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Each of these factors plays a crucial role in determining not only the outcome of the election but also the future trajectory of the nation.

The deepening division in America

The political landscape in the U.S. has never been more polarized. Americans find themselves deeply entrenched in their views, often leading to a breakdown in civil discourse. This division is not merely a reflection of differing opinions; it is a profound fracture that threatens the very fabric of the nation. Trump’s rhetoric, characterized by a combative and confrontational style, has played a significant role in fostering this division. His supporters often view the political landscape as a battle between good and evil, leading to an “us versus them” mentality. In contrast, Harris represents a vision of unity and inclusion, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and empathy in politics.

The state of the economy

As the election draws near, economic concerns are at the forefront of voters’ minds. Inflation, rising costs, and economic instability have left many Americans anxious about their financial future. While Harris’s administration has focused on recovery and investment in infrastructure and social programs, Trump’s approach emphasizes tax cuts and deregulation as pathways to economic growth. Voters must assess which economic vision resonates more with their needs and aspirations, particularly as they grapple with the tangible impacts of inflation and job insecurity.

Illegal immigration: A complicated issue

The issue of illegal immigration remains a contentious topic in American politics. Trump has consistently taken a hardline stance, advocating for strict border control and the construction of a wall to deter illegal entry. His policies have been framed as necessary to protect American jobs and security. On the other hand, Harris’s approach tends to focus on reforming the immigration system to provide pathways to citizenship and address the root causes of migration. This fundamental disagreement encapsulates a broader ideological divide about how best to handle the complexities of immigration in a nation built on diversity and opportunity.

Election 2020 deniers: A lingering shadow

One of the most consequential developments in American politics since the 2020 election has been the rise of election denialism. The belief, strongly propagated by Trump and his supporters, that the 2020 presidential election was “stolen” has deeply influenced the political discourse. Trump’s insistence on widespread voter fraud, despite a lack of credible evidence and the dismissal of numerous lawsuits, continues to resonate with a substantial portion of the electorate. Many within the Republican Party still echo these claims, further polarizing the nation.

This dynamic plays a crucial role in the 2024 election. Trump’s presence on the ballot means the issue of election legitimacy will once again be front and center. If Trump were to lose in 2024 and refuse to concede, the country could face an even deeper crisis than it did in 2020. His rejection of the results could lead to a protracted political battle over electoral legitimacy, eroding trust in democratic institutions and potentially inciting unrest.

The risk of rejecting 2024 election results

Should Trump again reject the results, it could lead to significant political tension and instability. The 6 January Capitol riots demonstrated how volatile the situation can become when false narratives about election fraud are pushed to their extremes. Trump’s rhetoric around election fraud has inspired restrictive voting laws in several states, leading critics to argue that these laws disproportionately target minority voters.

For Harris, the challenge is twofold. First, she must reassure voters that the electoral system is fair, secure, and transparent. Second, she needs to tackle the broader issue of restoring faith in democracy itself. In contrast, Trump’s campaign may continue to cast doubt on election processes, feeding into the fears of those who feel disenfranchised by the system.

The possibility of Trump’s vindictiveness

Another concerning element of Trump’s potential return to power is his stated desire to take revenge on what he has called the “enemy within.” Throughout his presidency and afterward, Trump has frequently targeted members of the federal government whom he sees as disloyal or obstructive. The possibility that he could pursue a vindictive agenda is very real, potentially leading to purges of career officials and the reshaping of the federal government to serve his interests.

Testimonies from those who worked closely with Trump

The accounts from former members of Trump’s inner circle add weight to these concerns. Numerous individuals who worked closely with him, including former Attorney General William Barr, General Mark Milley and General John Kelly as Chief of Staff have provided insights into Trump’s leadership style that paint a picture of chaos and volatility. Their warnings about his approach raise legitimate concerns about what a second Trump term could look like, potentially leading to a presidency characterized by personal vendettas and a disregard for democratic norms.

What the American people need now

In light of these factors—the possibility of Trump rejecting the 2024 election results, his potential for vindictive governance, and the warnings from those who worked closely with him—the American people need clarity, stability, and leadership focused on unity and democratic integrity. Harris, in contrast to Trump, will likely position herself as the candidate of democracy, stressing the importance of respecting electoral outcomes and protecting democratic institutions.

Ultimately, the decision the American people face on November 5 is not just about policy differences; it is about the future of the republic. Do they want a leader who may once again cast doubt on the legitimacy of elections and use the office to settle personal scores, or do they want a leader who will work to heal the nation and reinforce the principles that have long defined American democracy? The answer to that question will determine the trajectory of the nation for years to come.

How the world perceives America through her President

The world often perceives America through the lens of her president, as the leader of the free world represents not just the country but the ideals it stands for. A strong, principled president signals stability, leadership, and a commitment to democracy that has long defined America’s global role. However, when the president is seen as unpredictable or divisive, it raises concerns among allies and emboldens adversaries. America’s foreign policy, its alliances, and its influence on the world stage are closely tied to the demeanor, decisions, and values of its president. Whether it’s a message of unity and cooperation or one of isolation and conflict, the world watches America and often judges the strength of its democracy and its place in global affairs by the character and leadership of the individual in the Oval Office.

A Choice between leadership and division

As Americans head to the polls on 5 November, they face a pivotal choice that will define the course of their nation for years to come. This election is not merely about policy or party affiliation; it is about the very essence of American democracy. Voters must decide whether to endorse a vision of leadership that prioritizes personal grievances and division or to embrace a path that seeks to unite and heal the nation.

With the specter of election denialism looming large, the stakes have never been higher. A Trump victory could signal a return to a turbulent political climate marked by vindictiveness and instability. Conversely, a Harris-led administration could reaffirm a commitment to democratic norms, inclusivity, and a forward-looking agenda that addresses the urgent needs of the American people.

This is a moment for bold choices and clear moral clarity. The future of America hangs in the balance, and it is the responsibility of every voter to stand firm against the forces that threaten to undermine the values this nation was built upon. The message is clear: the American people must choose unity over division, truth over falsehood, and democracy over authoritarianism. The time for decisive action is now.

The author writes from New York and can be reached at femi.adefemiwa@gmail.com,

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