Home Opinion Otti on the Alternative Voice

Otti on the Alternative Voice

6 min read

The alternative voice is the voice of the opposition, the voice of critics and dissenters. It is the opinion of disagreeing agents, the alternative view of those who differ from you. Governor Alex Otti says he is well at home with the alternative voice and welcomes agents of the alternative view. He welcomes opposition as an integral part of democracy. The Governor said so openly few weeks ago at the swearing-in ceremony of the new State Chairman of the Labour Party, Chief Emman Otti, in Umuahia.

I listened to him live. The statement was audacious and at the same time instructive. It defined the man as a true democrat, well honed in the tenets of freedom. Democracy is built upon the foundation of freedom and liberty, freedom of speech, freedom of association, freedom of choice. Freedom is the word. Humanity fought with blood to achieve the status of freedom and liberty. The Statue of Liberty located in Liberty Island in Newyork is a happy reminder to mankind of the sacrifices and the coveted virtue of liberty for human progress.

Thus, one outstanding mark of great leaders is their tolerance of the alternative view and the accommodation of dissenting agents. Great leaders are inspired by the alternative view. The alternative voice serves as a check and balance on the man of power. It is the barometer with which he gauges his strides. It is the reflective mirror through which he sees himself. Critics shape society and provide the necessary roadmap. They hold leaders accountable to the people and serve as the representative of the speechless masses in the corridors of power. The alternative voice is, therefore, healthy for democracy.

Governor Alex Otti has demonstrated a remarkable and commendable tolerance and accommodation of the alternative view and the agent provocateurs. Unfortunately, what we have in Abia are more of attackers, banter-warriors, Ndi-ikonu, brick-haulers, blackmailers, android combatants than constructive critics. Critics are well informed and their opinion conveyed in the culture of decency. They are usually intellectually deep and buttress their arguments with facts and figures. They adhere strictly to the ethics of public communication. Their intention is not to destroy or pull down but to point to the right direction for society. They are gadflies, great assets to society. They are unsung partners-in-progress to a progressive government.

Today, in Abia, Governor Otti is flaunting a virtue of tolerance and respect for those who oppose his policies and actions. There are cases where agents provocateurs have been crushed or strangulated through very punitive measures or even physically attacked by the defenders of the regime. But, the regime of the Labour Party has maintained a noble personality of accommodation. The Governor has often succumbed to the alternative voice to review his template. I guess he follows the crusades of the dissenting agents and has considered them as necessary ingredients for shaping public policy. Having taken up the personality of a true democrat, and having provided an open climate for freedom and liberty, Governor has presented himself a true workman who has come to serve.
I therefore hope to see in my dear state a cleaner media atmosphere free from iko-onu and cyber-bullying. This is surely not the alternative voice.

Adindu writes from Umuahia

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