Home Health & Living Simple ways to stop your gums bleeding, itching

Simple ways to stop your gums bleeding, itching

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Simple ways to stop your gums bleeding and itching are ten oral care therapies that provide relief and treat the symptoms of gum disease. When you have gum disease (pyorrhea), you may notice your gums bleed, itch, or hurt when you brush. Often, there is a bad taste in your mouth and may suspect you have bad breath, or your friends tell you.

Pyorrhea starts at the edge where the gums and the teeth come together. And as it spreads, the germs sort of ‘chew” into the gums and bone and cause holes. The holes get deeper and deeper until you lose teeth.

Simple ways to stop your gums bleeding and itching

Furthermore, gum disease is one of the reasons you may experience bleeding, itchy and irritating gums. And normally one way to treat gum disease is through surgery. But there are other ways to avoid surgery. Read simple ways to stop your gums bleeding and itching and save your teeth.

Clean out all ‘slime’

Simple ways to stop your gums bleeding and itching

Simplest solution is not to cut, but to clean all that “slime” out, and let the body fill in the holes with new gum and bone! You will need a dentist to help you. It will hurt, but you will certainly feel better after a couple of days. Thereafter you should take care of your gums naturally using plants, herbs and homeopathy for complete healing.

Heal gum disease with Vitamin C

To heal your gum disease and help new gums to grow, start taking some Vitamin C. Aim for about 3000mg per day. Start with 500 mg in the morning and another 500 mg at night. Increase slowly over the next number of weeks, working up to a higher intake over a period of a few months.

Step up your oral care game

Simple ways to stop your gums bleeding and itching

The most significant cause of gum disease is plaque build-up along the gum line. When you don’t remove plaque, it hardens into tartar, a calcified material that plaque adheres to and continues to irritate the gums. The best way to reduce plaque build-up and your risk for bleeding gums is to step up your oral care routine. Brush twice a day using a fluoride toothpaste and floss daily.

Try using baking soda

Simple ways to stop your gums bleeding and itching

Baking soda makes the mouth and saliva more alkaline, the opposite of acidy. To get the most out of this, mix 6 parts baking soda to 1 part Sea Salt. Place this in a blender and mix for 30 seconds, and then put in a container. To use, wet the tip of your index finger and place a small amount of the salt and soda mixture on your gums. Spit out the excess. After 15 minutes, rinse your mouth with water and spit out. This mixture is incredibly effective at killing the germs and parasites that cause plaque.

Examine your toothbrush

Your toothbrush may be causing your gums to bleed if you use hard bristles. The recommendation is to use toothbrush with soft bristles, which cleans your teeth and gums thoroughly without irritation. Besides, flossing sporadically, instead of every day, can also cause bleeding gums. Remember to floss daily and avoid pressing the floss against your gums too hard.

Maintain a healthy diet

What you eat plays a part in keeping your gums healthy. Foods that contain lots of sugar or simple carbohydrates increase your risk for tooth and gum problems. This is because sugar creates an ideal environment for plaque. Whereas a diet full of whole foods, such as vegetables and fruits, will give your gums the nutrients they need.  So you don’t have to ban sweets from your life. But eat them in moderation and brush afterward, hence preventing the sugar from sticking around.

Think about your medicine

Certain medicines also increase the likelihood that your gums will bleed. Some over-the-counter pain relievers thin the blood and can increase bleeding. It’s also possible for certain prescription medications to cause gum bleeding. If that is the case, your doctor might prescribe a different dose or a different drug altogether. Always talk to your doctor about medication side effects.

Practice deep breathing

High levels of stress can also affect your oral health by increasing inflammation in your body, and making your gums more likely to bleed. Hence, deep breathing is one of the best ways to lower stress in the body making your body feel like it does when you are already relaxed.

Stop smoking

Simple ways to stop your gums bleeding and itching

Smoking has been established as a significant risk factor for gum disease. Tobacco reduces blood flow to the gums, depriving them of oxygen and nutrients that allow gums to stay healthy, leaving them vulnerable to bacterial infection. So if you want to protect your oral and overall health, quit smoking.

Quit sharing toothbrushes

Simple ways to stop your gums bleeding and itching

Gum disease and bleeding gums are contagious. Bacteria related to gingivitis can pass between partners or parents and children.  Hence, it’s good to avoid sharing things like toothbrushes or dirty silverware and water glasses just to be safe.

Bottom line

If these simple ways to stop your gums bleeding and itching don’t give you relief, see your dentist. You will be examined to determine if you have a more severe condition, such as advanced gum disease. If treatment is needed, such as a deep cleaning or periodontal surgery, you’ll likely visit with a periodontist who specializes in treating gum disease.

In many cases, bleeding gums are no big deal, but sometimes it can warrant professional treatment. If it’s been a while since you’ve seen your dentist, make an appointment today. Because getting the issue diagnosed and making the necessary changes will help improve the health of your mouth considerably. And with the right diagnosis and personal care, gums disease can become a thing of the past.

Photo Credit: Creative Commons

Abiola is the founder of Indulge™ group of companies, a healthy-living focused group. A passionate believer in a healthy lifestyle, living in the United Kingdom made it easy for her to pursue a health and fitness regime. She is the Managing Director/CEO of Indulge Nigeria Limited and Indulge Cares Nigeria Limited, both companies promoting the benefits of a healthy lifestyle for the prevention of illnesses and diseases. Abiola is available on https://www.indulgeinhealthyliving.com/

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