Home Uncategorized 2 dead as car dives into Edo river

2 dead as car dives into Edo river

2 min read

Two bodies were yesterday, recovered from the Ikpoba river in Ikpoba-Okha Local Government Area of Edo State as their vehicle was said to have fallen into the river on Sunday night while heading towards Ramat park from the Ring Road axis at high speed but lost control and rammed into a pavement by the river.

It was gathered that the vehicle hit the pavement and skidded off the road and plunged into the river.

The recovery operation caused gridlock on the road as passengers were left stranded for hours, while the officers and men of the Edo State Road Safety Corps, battled to bring the traffic situation under control.

Contacted, Public Education Officer of the Edo State Command of the Federal Road Safety Corps, Orevia Ukoh, said the accident happened Sunday night.

Ukoh said: “Because the incident happened at night, before help could come the way of the occupants, two persons were already drowned.

“It is two persons that were actually involved, one male adult and a female adult. They died in the river.”

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