Home Politics Nigeria’s stability, more important than your pocket, Shettima admonishes lawmakers-elect

Nigeria’s stability, more important than your pocket, Shettima admonishes lawmakers-elect

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The Vice President, Senator Kashim Shettima has advised the lawmakers-elect to consider the stability of the nation over that of their pockets.

At the Senate’s valedictory plenary on Saturday, Shettima, who represented Borno Central district in the upper chamber, appealed to the 10th National Assembly lawmakers to vote wisely on Tuesday, while electing their leaders.

The battle for the Senate leadership has been intense for some months as lawmakers have jostled for presiding officers in both the red and green chambers.

At the inauguration of the 10th National Assembly on Tuesday, Senators-elect will vote for a new Senate President to pilot the affairs of the Red Chamber for the next four years. The outgoing Senate President, Dr Ahmad Lawan, representing Yobe North, is returning to the chamber but is not in the race for the seat.

Some of the aspirants are Senator Godswill Akpabio, who is running with Senator Jibrin Barau as deputy; Senator Abdulaziz Yari; Senator Orji Kalu; and Senator Osita Izunaso. Akpabio and Barau ticket has been endorsed by the ruling All Progressives Congress.

There have been reports of US “dollar rain”, as some aspirants had gone on a spending spree to woo lawmakers for their votes.

On Saturday, Shettima pleaded with his colleagues to put the stability of the country above every other interest.

He said: “To my colleagues who will depart from this chamber, I address you not as colleagues left behind but as experienced lawmakers who have become an integral part of my history. We have shared many things in common and standing shoulder to shoulder in times of adversity. We have fought relentlessly for the betterment of our dear country.

“To my incoming colleagues, I will leave you with a paradox. The stability of this nation is superior to the stability of our pockets. On Tuesday, let us vote wisely. Let us vote for the Nigerian nation.

“The stability of our country is better than the stability of our pockets. Let us vote wisely on Tuesday”.

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