Home Arts Entertainment Marriage is not a do or die affair – Yul Edochie advises couples

Marriage is not a do or die affair – Yul Edochie advises couples

2 min read

Nollywood actor, Yul Edochie has taken to social media to share his stance on the institution of marriage saying it is not a ‘do-or-die affair.’

Edochie’s post is coming on the heels of colleague Bolanle Ninalowo’s separation announcement from wife Bunmi Ninalowo on Friday.

In the post shared on Edochie’s Facebook page on Saturday, the father of five advised couples not to force things in their union, noting that the marriage institution does not have a set formula for success.

The actor, who has continued to make headlines for his commitment to second wife Judy Austin, wrote, “Marriage is a beautiful thing, don’t let anyone discourage you.

“If your dream is to get married, go ahead and achieve your dream.

“A few tips can help you have a long-lasting marriage but there is no laid down proven formula to it.

“You can marry someone you dated for 10 years and the marriage won’t last.

“You can marry someone you met yesterday and have a long-lasting marriage. And most times the main reason for a marriage crash is not revealed on social media. Only the couple know exactly what went wrong.

“Marriage is also not a do-or-die affair.

“Try your best to make it work, if it doesn’t, it’s not the end of the world. Wish yourselves well and move on.

“Some journeys last forever while some have to end for others to begin. Love and peace always”.

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