Home News NAF receives 4 surveillance jets, combat helicopters

NAF receives 4 surveillance jets, combat helicopters

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The Chief of Air Staff, Air Marshal Hasan Abubakar, has said the service in the last two weeks has taken delivery of four aircraft.

According to him, two additional DA-62 surveillance aircraft were received last two weeks, while two T-129 ATAK helicopters were delivered to the service two days ago.

He disclosed that the attack helicopters would soon be inducted into the inventory of the Air Force.

A statement by the Air Force spokesperson, Edward Gbakwet, quoted the Air Chief as saying this during the annual 10km Walk/Jog for its personnel in Abuja on Saturday.

It partly read, “The CAS disclosed that through the commitment of the Federal Government, the NAF has witnessed a total overhaul and enhancement of its Order of Battle, recalling that about 2 weeks ago, the Service took delivery of 2 additional DA-62 surveillance aircraft and only 2 days ago, also received 2 T-129 ATAK helicopters soon to be inducted into the inventory of the NAF”.

Abubakar, however, stated that more additional aircraft were still expected by the Air Force, adding that with the arrival of some of the purchased platforms, the service would stop at nothing to eradicate the security challenges facing the country.

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