Home News Christos Church opens Port Harcourt branch

Christos Church opens Port Harcourt branch

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God works in mysterious ways. His wonders to perform, the scripture says.

That could be the only explanation for the Abuja-headquartered Christos International Worship Centre, deciding to open a Port Harcourt branch this year after turning down the gift of a vast and free plot of land in the same city, and for the same purpose, last year.

Someone who has been watching Christos’ weekly Sunday and Wednesday services (plus the Friday night vigils whenever it is organised) on the church’s Epiphany TV, placed a phone call from Port Harcourt to Abuja and made an offer of his sprawling plot of land to the church, totally gratis.

The presiding overseer of the church, Bishop David Nwachukwu Ogudu, from Ebonyi State, thanked the person profusely, but said a firm “no” to the offer of free land. Then, barely a year later, he had his sights on Port Harcourt as a city to host the next branch of his church.

Ogudu said Jesus Christ owns the church as its name implies. Christos is Greek for Christ the Anointed.

The presiding overseer explained he did not make the decision to accept or reject that land offer but that the owner of the church, Christ Himself, told him then that it was not yet time to open that

Port Harcourt branch. And when the time was ripe for the Port Harcourt branch, the same Jesus Christ asked him to move to open the branch. And as he put it, “I simply did what I had to do. I said yes. He is the master planer and I don’t question Him if He gives directives. He is the Lord of Lords and Saviour, the Greatest”.

The birthing of the Christos International Port Harcourt Worship Centre will not pass like a ship in the night; instead it will be an explosive invasion, or to give it the proper name as listed in the

Church’s hand bill, it will be a ‘Prophetic Invasion’ in two phases.

Phase One will be a two-day revival on 12th and 13th April from 5 to 9 pm, in a place close to the church. Then on the 14th, the Port Harcourt Christos International Worship Centre at 99 Egrita Road, Eneka, will be opened in grand style. The theme? ‘Weep No More’.

Bishop Ogudu enjoys a reputation as a real Prophet. He not only remembers the exact time and day when God first called him on 11th June when he was just 19 years old, he said anyone who has ever received such a call will never forget it. Also, because of his prophetic gift, he is on call for ministration across Nigeria and all the globe. He speaks with amazing authority, and never gets tired of saying that “God reveals to redeem”. To him, “thus says the Lord” is a gift of the Holy Spirit that is still with Christians, even today.

At this ‘Prophetic Invasion’, he will bring something wonderful to Port Harcourt; the glorious power of God to heal and make whole, to comfort, bind and unbind, all in a bid to give glory to the mighty name of God and bring solace, comfort and victory to the sons and daughters of God.

And in all, what matters to Ogudu is to win souls for Christ. And the fact that his church members insist that he has the prosperity mantle trumps everything.

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