Home Interview Oladiyun: Celebrating 65 years of life devoted to serving God, touching lives

Oladiyun: Celebrating 65 years of life devoted to serving God, touching lives

67 min read

In this explosive, no-holds-barred interview with Ademola Akinbola, the Senior Pastor of CLAM Global, Pastor (Dr.) Wole Oladiyun discussed how he started his ministry, the challenges that confronted him, the milestone achievements of CLAM, and his vision for the ministry. Enjoy …

What defines you? What’s your philosophy of life? Your generic values as a man of God?

(Laughs). There was something inside of me while in Ile-Oluji. I would write at the back of my books, No king as God, One with God is a Majority. My friends would call me, Joseph Olawole Oladiyun alias No King as God, when they hail me, I would say, No King as God, One with God is a Majority. I would mobilise my mates and they would be drumming for me, calling me Jagunlabi, eni to jagun la ibi koja. I am an embodiment of grace, hyper-grace, I know, because my life is not normal. Two, I believe that with God, everything will happen, if you want it. I over-trust God, I over-depend on God. I like hard work and smart work. I believe in continuity. I believe in nurturing people, I believe in human capital development. I was doing that when I didn’t know that anything would come out of me. During the summer holiday in Ile-Oluji, I would mobilise my friends and go to all the secondary schools, teaching them Physics, Maths, Additional Mathematics, etc.

I believe in benevolence. Giving is the easiest thing for me in my life. Money, service, myself, that’s my life. I don’t look down on people, I believe that tomorrow is a weapon that can make the table turn, so for the person you look down on today, anything can happen. I also believe that there’s no age that God cannot lift you. At 50, I had my Master’s degree, I could have had that when I had a scholarship for Structural Engineering when I was practising Engineering, but because I was training my siblings, I decided to forgo it. I wanted to do a Master’s in Structural Engineering and a Ph.D. in Structural Engineering, to lecture and to practice. So having my PhD now, makes me happy, fulfilled. I know when I am not doing well, and I quickly adjust. I am a learner, and I am willing to be corrected in love.

Awesome! What does success look like to you?

(Laughs) My brother, success is sweet o. Success is sweet, it is also a dynamite, it can blow you if it’s not well managed. Success is good, if you are selfish about it, it will blow you, if you mismanage it, it will blow you up but success is good and it’s given by God.

I know you’ve said this several times but maybe there are new things you want to add. The impact of your parents in your life, especially growing up, because we want people to learn from your success story

I want to thank God for my parents. I didn’t have that choice, I found myself there. I want to thank God for what my father witnessed in his family, the Fagbamiye family that made him leave for his maternal lineage. He then embraced Christ so early, at a time when being born again was not popular. I thank God for being born into that family. It was tough, it was like a punishment, it was a harrowing experience, but we didn’t know they were building our future. I met my parents as business people in their little way, buying and selling, which has influenced me to date. I have a penchant for multiplying money even as I am here now (laughs). Then I thank God that before my dad went to be with the Lord, he handed me over to Chief David Adedimeji Adewakun, popularly called Jawando, the father of Pastor Tade Adewakun. He taught me ethics, etiquette, money management, bookkeeping, and all other things. I thank God for my parents for embracing Christ. They gave us good values, that’s why I honoured them with that Samuel and Dorcas Maternity, I thank God. According to Psalm 16: 5-8, the lines are falling unto me in pleasant places, I have a goodly heritage.

So, if you were to come to this world again, would you still choose this path?

By the grace of God, I will choose the path of being a minister because it’s something I enjoy doing. I will choose the path of Engineering, I just love engineering, and I don’t know why. I will choose the path of blessing the whole world, yeah, I love blessing people, blessing cities, blessing nations.

Congratulations on your 65th birthday and CLAM’s 26th anniversary. How do you feel, Sir?

I feel thankful to God. Grateful, and thankful because God has done well, making great things out of what looked so ordinary at that time. To me, it’s a big deal. It can only be God for the enablement He has given right from day one till now. Just like one of my workers, Pastor Joy Ebora, observed during a recent ministration in the UK, she said, sir, the intensity of your ministration that I have been seeing over 20 years ago has not reduced.  It’s even more and you see, it can only be God. So, I feel thankful to God, I appreciate him for everything He has done. I feel so happy.

How has the journey been? Full of ups and downs?

Of course. The ups and downs must be there because, without the ups and downs, one would not appreciate God. Two, there wouldn’t be any achievement because during those times you need to overcome challenges, you need to confront situations, you need to proffer solutions, you need to depend on God, you need to come out in your element to survive, and ensure that the vision God has given you does not just fizzle away. So God allowed the ups and downs for training and to remind me in particular that He is the one doing it. In the beginning, many people didn’t believe the call and the vision. They were very sceptical. What is this man up to? Ok, we know him as an engineer, yeah, we know he loves God, but let us see.

I remember Barrister Wole Olufon who met me in my wife’s Nursery and Primary School. He said, Wole? I said, Sir? He said, I have not been seeing you in our meetings, and someone told me you went into ministry. I said, yes sir. He said, what do you mean by that? What is ministry? I explained to him. He said, do you know what you are doing? I said, I know what I am doing, sir by the grace of God. He said you’ve left Engineering? I said, yes sir. He said, do you know what you are doing? I am asking you for the third time, do you know what you are doing? I said, yes sir. He said we shall see. Today, he is the lawyer of CLAM to the glory of God.

When you started, were you not daunted by the challenges ahead? Were you not doubtful at any point? You never said, I know God has called me but is there no escape route for me? Can’t I dodge it?

The beginning was extremely rough, very very rough. As at the time I surrendered to God, I was in a battered stage because it had been a big struggle for me. I married Bukola at age 31 and my Engineering firm was flourishing. In addition to that, I had a Chemical marketing firm, JNISSI Chemicals. I was also into bulk spare parts sales. I would send people to France to knock Peugeot parts and import them. I would then sell to the Igbo guys. I was making good money. Then my cousin, Gbenga Akintomide (of blessed memory), who was a Pharmacist, I had an investment of close to $10,000 with him. I was equally a partner in his Pharmacy in Kano. I was also into the wood business. So, for a young man of my age, having his hands in those businesses, and the businesses at that time were thriving, at the back of my mind, I knew I would work for God, but I thought that would be when I was 68 or 70. I must not lie, that was what was at the back of my mind. Then, God started talking to me, but leaving those businesses was very difficult for me, that was where the struggle started.

So, it got to a stage where I couldn’t resist God any longer. I was battered and bruised, and I had to surrender. I was in a tattered state. It was so bad that I couldn’t pay my house rent, I was embarrassed and taken to the police station. It was so bad that we depended on my wife’s family members for survival. So, in it all, and through the gracious help of Mrs Adun Akinyemiju, one day, she said to me, Wole, we have always known that you will do well in ministry, why don’t you obey God, so that all these struggles will end? Then I told her, where is the money to rent a space? She said to me, that in Dansol Tutorial, where currently, you currently have Tripple Cross, there is a man of God there called Pa Ige, who uses the hall. Meet him, discuss the days that are free for him, and use the other days. That was how she gave us that place to start.

On getting there, could you imagine, starting a ministry without one single chair, without a lectern, without any musical equipment, only the bible in my hand and the grace of God upon my life; that was the beginning. But anything that God has a hand in must survive. That was how I started. It was a herculean task at the beginning, people could not see the future of the ministry, but one thing is that, having hindsight of the various visions that God had shown me, I had that confidence that tomorrow would be wonderful. I was using my small car to bring people for vigils. God said I should not start with any Sunday service, that I should be doing vigils on Fridays and another revival service on Thursdays; so, it was quite unusual. So going after the people, managing them, and people telling me, yes we will come but we can’t leave our church, I said, don’t worry, it’s an interdenominational ministry, and that was how the thing started.

Let me ask you a hypothetical question; if your businesses were still flourishing, and you had not run into that stormy weather, would you still have listened to God?

Hmm … it would have been very difficult, so God himself preserved me. Humanly speaking, I negotiated with God to give me about seven young people or old people who are into soul-winning and evangelism. I saw one or two, I was pumping money into their ministries, trying to bribe God. But, God said, I need what I have put inside of you, if you don’t do it, I will not change what I want to do but I am going to change you as a vessel, I will raise someone else who will receive every detail of the vision, who will run with it and everything I have packaged there for you will be for that person. At that point, I surrendered. God himself disciplined me.

How were you able to convince your wife?

My wife was confused at a stage. So she sought counsel. She was told that I had the call of God upon me and that she should prevail on me to obey God. When she came home, she said, excuse me, do you have the call of God? I said yes. She said, but you haven’t told me? I said well, I couldn’t have told you at the beginning so that you would not run away. She said, ah, a pastor said this and that, I said yes. She said, please, you know what you are going to do? Hear God very well, the way you see the marks on my palm, ensure you have details from the Lord, anything He says, please do. Where you go, I will go. That was her statement till we moved into it and God helped us.

So, what were the success principles you put in place from the beginning? I know that everything wouldn’t have happened just by prayers. There would have been administration, management, etc. For the benefit of young ministers, what were those success principles you put in place early in your ministerial career?

By my nature, nomenclature, and configuration, I have this winning attitude and mentality. Right from childhood, I have been an optimist. I don’t believe that there’s nothing I can’t do once I have been led by God. Perhaps the sudden demise of my dad helped me in a way. When I was in Ibadan as a houseboy, and through the grace of God and providence, the Adewakuns and Akintomides asked me to attend Gboluji Grammar School.  When I got there, I realised that my mates had gone far ahead. I started reading and studying aggressively to catch up. That was how I inculcated the studious nature you see in me today. I kept saying to myself, I must make it, I must make it, till I graduated.

So, apart from prayers, my Engineering training helped me to be detailed. In my secular work, I was detailed, structured, and meticulous. We were well organised, and each business had a section manned by competent hands. We had managers, accountants, administrators, etc. Those things prepared me for the ministry you are seeing today. I was on top of many things and I was managing them in Lagos effectively. I would have meetings with my engineers, have meetings with people in the chemical section, you know sectional meetings like that, I would demand for executive summaries from them; so, God was using those things to prepare me for ministry.

When I started the ministry, I told God, don’t let this ministry be like the conventional CAC ministry whereby the pastor would go to church if he wanted to see anyone, he would see them in front of the altar, then he would go to the vicarage and he would lock the church until next service. I said, Lord, mi o fe se CAC onipako, sugbon fun mi ni CAC ti gbogbo agbaye ma wa ko ogbon ati adura (Lord, I don’t want a ramshackle, struggling Ministry, give me the CAC where people from all over the world would come to learn prayers, power, and wisdom).

God did His part and I did my part. That is 1 Corinthians 1: 24, to the Jews and the Greeks, Jesus, the power of God and the wisdom of God. I demanded from God that I wanted a ministry that would be a hybrid of the power dimension of God and the wisdom dimension of God. I wanted a ministry that would be a prayer ministry, coupled with practising the principles of God. I wanted a ministry where God would do His part and that will enable me to do my part, to have a cosmopolitan ministry. So, that was how I started applying all those business and managerial principles.

You have a very unique apostolic brand. Was it by design or default? Because, and I say this with all humility. I don’t think there’s another Pastor Wole Oladiyun, all over the world today. Your style is unique, direct, and very impactful. Was it part of what you prepared for, or did you find yourself evolving into that role?

I placed a demand on God that I didn’t want to be a conventional CAC Minister. As a result of my business management experience, I asked God to help me integrate that part. So, it was by design and I progressively evolved into it. That was how I started applying the management tenets –work ethics, communication, office culture, etc. I can’t stand doing the work of God from the vicarage, because my brain is too active.

How has the journey been? What are the milestones you want to celebrate in the last 26 years?

The first and primary milestone is God starting me from level Zero. The ministry started without money; I wanted to borrow money from one Mr Otedola, my lawyer (now deceased). God said no, I am sending you into this ministry empty, obey me and you will see what I will do. I want us to celebrate God for that. Another major milestone was when it was extremely difficult for us to secure a place. The parents of the students in the boarding house in Dansol asked Mrs. Adun Akinyemiju to please choose between her church and the boarding house. It was difficult for my aunty but I understood. We moved from that place to Omole. At Omole, the community said, they’ve never seen this kind of prayer before, that we were disturbing them. We were chased from that place. I moved to ICC, Solid Rock. When we were at ICC, Solid Rock, people in Redeem didn’t want to come for their Bible Studies again, they would rush there, and they chased us from that place. At a point, I was ministering by the roadside, until I called on God and the Lord said, Go back to Mrs Akinyemiju, and she returned us to Dansol. It was then that the Lord said, there is a place for you at the border of Omole. In the third year of the ministry, God took us to this present place, that’s a milestone. We moved in here 22 years ago and the Lord said He would give us the whole place and He has given us.

Another milestone is the grace that the Lord gave me to make the right choice in marriage. Everything you are seeing today wouldn’t have been possible if I had not married Pastor Bukola Oladiyun. Forget it. That must be celebrated, it’s a great milestone because all along she has been there, as an intercessor for me till today, and the kind of well-adjusted children God has given us.

Another milestone was when the Lord instructed me to start the Wednesday morning prayer service and I started struggling with God. I said, Lord, this is Lagos, Morning Prayer? And He said, just the way your father was taking you to CAC at 5 am in Ile-Oluji, go and start. Wouldn’t people go to work? The Lord said, don’t argue with me, go and start, I will tell you what to do. Today, the Wednesday service has become our flagship service with people attending from all over the world. So, hearing from God for divine direction has been working for me from the beginning till today. On the first day of our Wednesday service, God told me he would show me a sign. I briefed my followers about what God said. They retorted: Sir, 7’0 clock? I said yes, God has spoken to me, the Lord said He will show me a sign.

While I was in my office on that day, they brought a man who could not speak, a pastor. The Lord said that’s the sign that I have asked you to come and do this meeting. The family members were panicking and the Lord said this man would speak and he did. That was the beginning of the Wednesday service. The Lord said the man was disobedient. They normally would write on paper for him to read and respond. The Lord said, don’t do that, tell him to hear in the realm of the spirit, repent, obey what God is doing, and you will speak in the name of Jesus. So, I asked the man, will you obey God? The man nodded. I said, in the name of Jesus, begin to speak now, say Hallelujah. The man shouted Hallelujah. The family members fell, and they were rolling on the floor, a miracle happened on the first day of the Wednesday service. The man is my disciple till today, he’s a General Overseer in Oshogbo. So, we must celebrate that.

I can’t also forget how God acquired these premises for us. Till today, CLAM does not owe any bank one naira. In my private life, I do not owe anyone, the ministry, we are not owing anyone, and we need to celebrate that. How about God’s preservation and security? We need to celebrate that. Another landmark is CLAM Global Outreach, the crusade. Then we need to celebrate the way God arranged the workers per season. The first set of disciples I had were my enemies, God just fizzled them out. The second set was taken away by a close friend of mine, God fizzled them out until God started stabilizing the ministry. Too many things that we have to celebrate, and there are too many landmarks in the ministry, to the glory of God. In the ministry, in 25 years, no sexual scandal, no financial scandal, no scandal of any sort, we need to thank God, it’s not by our power.

Let’s talk about the people factor. I know there have been a lot of disappointments, betrayals, and backstabbing. In all of these, how have you coped, I know it’s difficult to train, mentor, and disciple people only for them to leave suddenly.

Well, at the beginning, I wasn’t coping well. The hurt was getting to me. I was a very poor manager then, please, let it be recorded, I was a very horrible manager. I was too vengeful; vendetta was just a core part of me. If you hit me once, I would hit you seven times until God told me that the battle wasn’t one I could fight on my own. He said, hand over everything to me. The people backstabbing me were very close to me. I had a particular friend, he’s still alive. He took away 95% of my workers. Some of those I trained, were not even saying hello to me. He took them away, they are just all over the place, they are not doing well, and I am not happy about that. So, I was too vengeful and I used to curse. God took all those things away and gave me peace; I am a better person today, I give God the glory.

Looking into the future, what should we expect from you? I know CLAM has ventured into several innovative ventures; Soteria Maternity, Soteria Farms, and the prayer centres are manifestations of growth and expansion. Looking into the next 10-20 years, what should we expect from CLAM?

Internal capacity remains a challenge we are grappling with. I believe that with the intervention of Brand Stewards and its partners, we should be able to put our house in order and begin to harvest the low-hanging fruits from what we have invested. By now, we should be very comfortable financially, even if we don’t take offerings for one year.  We have the resources there. In the next 20 years by the grace of God, a bigger, better, utilitarian, and more prosperous CLAM would have emerged. A reform is coming, there is a model God has given me which we will begin to implement in 2024. I want to see the upcoming youths assuming leadership positions, and doing very well all over the world. I will just be in the position of overseeing all the conglomerates. I want to see CLAM, especially the youths, in every nation of the world, so that we can harvest them for God. I want to see many of those people I have trained going into the field for soul-winning. I want to see ministers I am impacting doing well in ministry and entrepreneurship, in governance, in advocacy, you know taking on responsibilities, making the nations of the world better than we met it. So I want to see CLAM doing the bidding of God, not derailing.

Let’s look at the Nigerian State and the role of the church. Do you think the church has played the desired role, do you think the church has done very well in terms of nation building, in terms of contribution to the development of Nigeria? Has the church occupied its rightful position, has it done what it is required to do?

I have sent you some messages in time past on the relevance of the church in nation-building. The church has played a noble role in Nigeria’s development. The Catholic Church, for example, has done well in terms of the schools and hospitals they built all over the country. They are doing great things that no government has been able to match. The issue is that the achievements of the Church are rarely acknowledged and celebrated. Look at the Lagos Business School, it stemmed from the concept enunciated by Opus Dei, a prayer group of the Catholics. The likes of Pastor Adeboye and Bishop Oyedepo are trailblazers in this area too. Look at RCCG, the redemption camp is like a city being effectively managed by the church; there is a 24/7 power supply, the roads are good, there is security, etc. It is a mini-nation.

We should give kudos to the church. How about Living Faith? Look at Covenant University, one of the best universities in Africa. Look at the church and the estate there. I believe if Nigeria is given to the church to manage, it would be the cynosure of all eyes. My candid assessment is that the church has contributed immensely, but we can do more, we can do better. Nigeria is structured in a way that honest people would not be allowed to do good things for the nation. So, we are in a kingdom that has its peculiarities, we have our kingdom language, we have our kingdom behavioural traits, and we have our kingdom norms, but the mindset of the average Nigerian politician or leader won’t allow for genuine ideas that can develop the country. They won’t allow us to integrate those things that are obtainable in our kingdom into the Nigerian nation. So that’s why we have rifts, that’s why you see Christians going into politics, behaving like them, or pulling out. In all, I give credit to the church of God in Nigeria, and while saying that, I believe we can do more.

I don’t want to call them regrets, but are there things you would have loved to have done before now? I know you can still do them, but probably, in the last 26 years in CLAM, what are the things you think you should have done, or even in your own life?

If I say I don’t have any regrets, I am joking. The first regret is not having adequate knowledge about people management. If I had adequate knowledge in that area, I could have managed some people better. I have repented, I have asked God to forgive me, and He has forgiven me. I think that literacy was missing at the beginning. Also, I think I had a false sense of who I was at the beginning because I believed with my brilliance, that everybody must be brilliant (laughs) and that was a fallacy, a misconception. So, I didn’t have the knowledge of temperament and people’s personalities, so I thought everybody must be like me but it was a great regret. Well, now. I thank God that along the way, I have made up for that and God is helping me. Going forward, I want to manage people better. Two, I regret not being able to teach. I love teaching, so that’s why I thank God, that the university where I had my Ph.D., has appointed me as a lecturer, pro bono. I want to teach, I like teaching. When my son was in engineering school, we did it together for four years. I have an active brain, hence I want to impact knowledge.

It was from you I heard for the first time about having a rigid focus in life. I often wonder, I know you are versatile, but how do you combine the things you do? You are meticulous, and thorough, manage your time very well, and it shows in the outputs. You write books and prayer bulletins, all of these come to you with ease. In between that, you minister and manage people and resources. How? What’s the secret?

The first thing I would say again is to give thanks to God for His grace. God has enabled me to juggle things. I have about 10 balls, I throw one up, and throw the second one, juggling them, but how He is helping me, I cannot say. My wife will surprisingly tell you that I don’t joke with my rest. If you look around this place, you will see books. I have written a bulletin since I arrived. I thank God for the ability to utilize my time well.

Have you always been this diligent and versatile since your youth or did you pick it up with time?

Since my youth, it became more pronounced when I got the opportunity to go to school after serving as a houseboy. I intensified studying and in my second year in secondary school, I won a scholarship, and that further motivated me. Pastors Imoh Ekpin and Femi Olubakinde were a year my junior in secondary school. I was helping them to solve Mathematics problems. Since then, something inside me has been saying you must do well in life, just maintain your focus and concentration. So when some things are happening, you will see me smiling but behind that smile, I would be analysing things. I am a survivor somehow.

So, what would be your advice to budding ministers who want to surpass the mark that you have made in ministry? What is the success principle you want to offer to them? What counsel?

Number one, the God factor. If they disconnect from God, everything crashes. Number two, they must have a success mind set. Number three, they must understand that ministry is not a hundred metres dash, it’s a marathon involving a process, and there are too many ropes to be learnt. Number four, no minister will do well if there’s no quality family life style, let me just elucidate further on that one. Bob Marley said this. I just forwarded it to my wife, and I am going to forward it to you. He asked if there was a perfect woman. Who cares about perfection? Even the moon is not perfect, it is full of craters, the sea is incredibly beautiful but salty and dark in depth, the sky is always infinite but often cloudy. So everything that is beautiful isn’t perfect, it is special.

So, any minister who wants to do well must have the back office or a partner. The next one is that they must have it at the back of their mind that their ministry will be tested. This person is making waves on the internet, this and that, hmm, that is not success. The ministry of that person has not been tested, let’s see what happens in 20 years’ time. Will the ministry be there? Tests in various form, their personality will be tested, integrity will be tested, in the area of women, wine, money, they will be tested, and so until you pass the test, you can’t say you are successful in ministry.

Then, they must not lose focus. You see, Elijah and Elisha, they must go and read that story very well, that’s in 2 kings Chapter 6, that story. Anyone that wants to succeed in ministry, they must go and study Elisha serving Elijah. When Elijah was about going, he said Elisha I am going somewhere, wait here; His master tested his followership, but he said wherever you go, I will go, so he passed. The sons of the prophet, they said, do you know your master will be taken away from you today? He said, keep quiet, I know; so, counsels will come, suggestions will come, you must profile them. They must not be distracted, their focus will be tested, their perseverance will be tested, their tenacity will be tested, their integrity will be tested, their being Godly will be tested; so they must get ready, and the test will come in various dimensions. Another thing is that anyone in ministry who does not have financial literacy must go for it. They must come under the tutelage of someone like me; let me sharpen it for them, otherwise they will be stranded.

That last point, it’s as good as saying Pastors must build tents, that is they must have something they are doing in addition to Ministry.

That’s where I am going. Pastors must be financially viable, so as to overcome temptations. You must build things, you can’t say you are a full-time minister, and you don’t have anything you are doing. They must be tent makers, tent making must be an integral part of their ministry. They must go and learn branding. Every ministry has a peculiar voice, that peculiar voice that comes out of the trumpet of the ministry is your brand. They should pay professionals to manage their brands. MFM and CLAM both have apostolic backgrounds, but our brands are different. No two brands are the same, no matter how similar they are. So, they must learn branding, administration, and finance, and they must know how to enjoy their rest.

What legacy are you planning to leave behind? What do you want to be remembered for?

I want to be remembered for being an imperfect servant of God who tried his best, who acknowledged his human frailties, but surrendered to God to bring out the best in him. I want to be remembered for my acts of benevolence. I believe in leaving quality legacies that people can build on. I want to be remembered for my tenacity, and perseverance. I want to be remembered as a lover of God.

Apart from Chief M. O. Adewakun, the late Baba Salaja, and Chief Jawando Adewakun, whom you’ve always given credit to, who are the other people God has used in your life to get you to where you are today?

My parents. Then, these four people, Ambassador Joseph Akinrinmola Adewakun, the father of the current Olori (Dr.) Adetokunbo Adetimehin. He was the one that took me out of Ile-Oluji to Ibadan. Olori and I grew up together; chief Michael Akinjisola Akintomide, Chief Moses Oluremi Adewakun, and Chief David Adewakun (Jawando). Those four were the ones that made it possible for me to be educated. I want to give credit to one man, when I had no place to stay as a day student, he took me in and was feeding me. He is a pastor in CAC today. I am training one of his children in CLAM as a pastor. His name is Pastor Olasode Adegboyega. We were classmates, but he is older than me. Ha, that was a critical time in my life. I had no place to stay.

In ministry, by the grace of God, reference must be made to the founder of CAC, Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola. Then of course, those people with me in ministry, Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo, Pastor Leke Sanusi, Apostle Dele Johnson, Baba Oyedepo, and Pastor Dare Fasipe. Even my son in ministry, Pastor Peace Akingunsoye, The Revd., Canon Michael Soledayo Fagbamiye, and Pastor Isaac Temidayo Akhajeme.

On succession planning, do you support that children should succeed their parents in ministry? Do you subscribe to that school of thought, or it should be left to the Holy Spirit to decide?

Yes and No. Yes, if God has said so and No, if God has not said so.

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