Home Opinion  Otti and Agbazure; a different view

 Otti and Agbazure; a different view

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In my own view, precisely, the message that resonates from the speech by Prof. ACB Agbazure at the new year day festival at Nvosi in Isiala Ngwa South is that of acclimatisation. I am sure many well-meaning Abians would discern this message from that open-air controversial speech.

I have taken time to read through the avalanche of commentaries arising from the speech. I have also tried to be judgmental about the speech as to form a personal opinion. From his disposition, it is clearly obvious that Agbazure was unpretentious and spoke genuinely from his heart.

It was a speech of endorsement by an Abian who is happy with the merit of change, an Abian who has refused to be held back perpetually in the past. But, beyond endorsement is a loud and bold statement of acclimatisation. Agbazure’s speech is a loud statement that the initial apprehensions about the Otti-led revolution are going down; that the initial resentments are over and Abians can now see the silver lining in the sky! Agbazure gave me the joy and happiness that great many Abians have overcome their culture shock and have now adjusted to the change mantra of Governor Alex Otti.

Acclimatisation has to do with adjusting to a new environment, a new climate, a new situation and, possibly, a new order. Culture shock is the initial apprehensions and resistance, the initial discomfort and the initial feelings of withdrawal generated by the new environment or climate. While it might take some people a longer time to overcome culture shock, it could be a walk-over for others who could easily adjust to a new climate or a new world order. I am happy that Abians have now acclimatised themselves with Otti’s crusade of reforms and the rebuilding exercise. For Agbazure was the proxy voice and mind of the multitude of former opposition. The voice and mind, admittedly, of a speechless people.

After the routine and consistent pattern of 24 years, it was natural for a change initiative to provoke some angry reactions. The initial apprehensions and the initial withdrawal syndrome were dully anticipated. But, I am happy that my people have emerged from this to a new personality of solidarity with the reformer governor. I am excited that my people can now see the light at the end of the tunnel.

After a survey of Otti’s work in one year and eight months, the world is testifying of a difference and of a new paradigm in Abia. Truth is that the governor is intentional about a new Abia and is driving towards a destination of restoring the glory of Abia. I am happy today that Abians have come to appreciate that the rebirth was timely. The recertification exercise in the civil service was a bit disturbing for the civil servants. But, today, they have now come to appreciate the wisdom in the sanitization exercise as it has brought order and decorum in the service with workers receiving their salaries accordingly. As the caterpillars excavate many sites in Abia, there is only one reminder: the Abia Federal Allocation is no more being shared to political godfathers.

Abians are coming to terms with the necessity of change and are in the same spirit and speed with their governor. Agbazure, therefore, goes far beyond himself to speak for and on behalf of a large spectra of people. There is nothing wrong in changing from a former position when there is a new illumination, a new light and a knowledge to acclimatize with truth.

This is essentially what Agbazure has done. Let’s appreciate the message!

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