Home News Education NOUN educates DSS, Army, others in digital forensics to combat cybercrime

NOUN educates DSS, Army, others in digital forensics to combat cybercrime

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The National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) has commenced training for security personnel on the adoption of digital forensics in order to curtail insecurity and cybercrimes in the country.

The five-day training was organised in partnership with the Africa Centre of Excellence on Technology Enhanced Learning (ACETEL) and has participants drawn from the Nigerian Army, Nigerian Navy, Economics and Financial Crimes Commission, Independent Corrupt Practises And Other Related Offences Commission, the Department of State Services; the Nigerian Immigration Service, the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps and the National Defence College, among others.

At the opening of the training in Abuja on Tuesday, NOUN Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Olufemi Peters lamented the increasing rate of cybercrime in Nigeria.

He added that the use of digital forensics during the investigation had become important due to the alarming rate of crime.

Represented by Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academics), Prof. Uduma Uduma, he also emphasised that the Digital Forensic and Incident Response Course has been designed to support law enforcement agencies in their investigations.

He said: ”Most of the crimes committed today are committed digitally and to that extent, this training is coming at the right time. There are lots of cybercrimes going on and this is what this workshop is tailored to do. At the end of this workshop, the beneficiaries are expected to have built skills to identify information security threats.

“Cybercrimes are becoming increasingly alarming these days, hence, there is a need for software or methodology to arrest the situation. It has become inevitable for law enforcement agencies to adopt digital forensics if they are to get anything meaningful from their investigations.

” The Digital Forensic and Incident Response Course focuses on how to support law enforcement agencies in their investigations, which cut across various law enforcement agencies o

“The training is also aimed at helping the security agents develop skills and to support law enforcement bodies to acquire the technological know-how that will position them on the right footing to be able to fight crimes in the twenty-first century”.

ACETEL Director, Prof. Grace Jokthan said the workshop would expose participants to the fascinating world of cyber investigations where various aspects such as evidence collection preservation, analysis, and the effective management of cyber incidents would be explored.

She added that the training would help them navigate through real-life scenarios and examine the latest trends and challenges in their various fields.

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