Home News Police free 7 kidnap victims, arrest 1 in Ogun

Police free 7 kidnap victims, arrest 1 in Ogun

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Operatives of the Ogun State Police command have rescued seven persons abducted by gunmen in the Fidiwo axis on the Lagos-Ibadan expressway.

It was gathered that the victims were rescued after a rescue operation led by the police.

The gunmen, numbering nine had on Monday attacked motorists along the highway, abducting seven passengers, killing one and injuring another.

One of the victims who narrated her ordeal to newsmen on Friday said, the gunmen, ambushed their Toyota Hiace bus with registration number, SUL 388 ZY while they were travelling to Lagos from Akure.

The victim who spoke under the condition of anonymity said, she was travelling with her family along the highway when the gunmen stopped their vehicle amidst sporadic gunshots.

“The attack occurred around 5.45 pm, the gunmen, numbering about nine, two of them were wearing military camouflage stopped our vehicle. They took away seven persons, including my father and mother into the bush.

“The gunmen shot two women who were trying to escape and one of them died”, the victim said.

Giving an update on the kidnapping incident, the Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), Ogun command, Omolola Odutola said one of the kidnappers was arrested while all the seven victims were rescued unhurt.

Odutola said the kidnappers were forced to release their victims after a four-day onslaught by the police and other security agencies.

“Immediately we got the report of the kidnapping incident, the State Commissioner of Police, Abiodun Alamutu ordered a rescue operation, led by the DC operations.

“The police were assisted by men of the Nigerian Army, Amotekun Corps, and local vigilante group. The security team engaged the kidnappers in gun duel and after four days of combing the forest, the gunmen men were forced to release all their victims, while one suspect was arrested.

“The gunmen shot a 35-year-old woman who was travelling in another vehicle. She was rushed to the hospital where she is now responding to treatment.

“A yet-to-be identified corpse of another woman shot dead by the kidnappers while trying to escape has been recovered”, Odutola said.

She reiterated that the command would not rest until criminals are flushed out of the state.

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