Home News Abducted Anambra truck driver regains freedom

Abducted Anambra truck driver regains freedom

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A truck driver, Chijioke Obinabo, who was abducted by some yet-to-be-identified armed men on Sunday, at Etiti Village, Enugwu-Agidi in Njikoka Local Government Area of Anambra State, has regained his freedom.

It was gathered that Obinabo was freed around 9pm on Tuesday when his abductors dumped him by a road side in the community.

The father of the victim, Nze Obinabo, confirmed the development to our correspondent on Thursday, adding that his son was already receiving treatment at an undisclosed hospital where he was immediately rushed to.

Obinabo described the victim as his only surviving son.

He said, “After the gunmen broke into my compound and took my son away on Sunday night, we reported the matter at the Abagana Police Division, where a search response team was activated by the police.

“But on Tuesday around 9pm, the kidnappers returned my son by themselves and dropped him by a roadside in the community.”

He said the son narrated that the kidnappers tied him to a chair and tortured him with a tyre they burnt.

“But after some time, he said they started having hot arguments and altercations on the telephone with some people.

“He said after the altercation on the telephone with the unknown persons, the kidnappers told him they would return him to his father’s house saying that no one will make them kill an innocent person.

“He said they told him that the people who contracted them to kidnap him were angry that they were not given their own share of the palliatives that were shared in their village during the ‘Etiti Palliative Day’ which was held in the community on Friday, but they had to free him when they could not reach an agreement on what to do with him,” the father said..

He added, “He said the kidnappers told him that those who contracted them were not happy that they did not get meat from the cow they slaughtered during the event.”

Obinabo wondered why his only surviving son was singled out by the perpetrators when he was not the one in charge of the sharing of the palliatives.

“I wonder why the perpetrators would single out my son when he was not in charge of the sharing of the palliatives.

“He is in a very critical condition at the hospital now. He was severely stabbed on the head and other parts of the body. The next three days will determine if he will survive or not, he was brutally inflicted with serious injuries. We have reported to the police that the kidnappers have freed him,” he added.

When contacted for confirmation on the latest development through the telephone, the spokesperson for the Anambra State Police Command, Tochukwu Ikenga, did not respond to the text messages and calls as of the time of filing this report.

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