Home Business Unilever introduces new deodorant, launches campaign

Unilever introduces new deodorant, launches campaign

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Unilever has announced the new Rexona deodorant, which boasts 72-hour protection from sweat and odour while launching its “Stay Dry and Fresh for Longer” campaign.

The product leverages cutting-edge motion sense technology with an intelligent formula that adapts to movements, releasing more protection.

“At Unilever, we develop products that meet the evolving needs of consumers, and the new Rexona 72 hours deodorant, is a leap in deodorant technology, offering protection from sweat and odour”, said Beauty, Wellbeing and Personal care Marketing Lead, Akintayo Akinseloyin.

The launch also commences Rexona’s wider “Stay Fresh and Dry for Longer” campaign.

This initiative is to educate Nigerians on the science behind sweat and odour production and debunk the misconception showering is enough for complete protection.

The campaign seeks to empower Nigerians to take control of their sweat and odour concerns and experience the confidence that comes with staying fresh all day.

The “Stay Dry and Fresh for Longer” campaign will include engaging touchpoints, interactive in-store demonstrations, and social media initiatives.

These will provide Nigerians with information about daily deodorant use and showcase Rexona’s Motionsense Technology.

With the launch, Rexona transforms how Nigerians approach personal hygiene, empowering them to be confident and embrace a life free from sweat and odour concerns.

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